Send Invoice via Peppol
Invoice Portal is a certified Peppol Access Point.
With the help of Peppol Access Point you can send electronic invoices to companies and authorities in Germany, the EU and worldwide.
We offer our Peppol Access Point service for buyers and suppliers, providing access to the Peppol network.
Additional services such as data conversion from one standard to another, archiving service or solutions for creating online invoices can also be provided.
The aim of OpenPEPPOL is to enable European companies to carry out cross-border electronic public procurement procedures in the public sector. In particular, the focus is on competition for government contracts and better conditions for taxpayers. PEPPOL enables access to its networks through access points with standardised electronic documents based on PEPPOL BIS.
The main features of PEPPOL include the possibility to freely choose the access point provider, share electronic documents with any company via the PEPPOL network and avoid complicated connections between the buyer, provider and other obligations.
You can:
Folders between the client’s computer and the Webware Server are automatically synchronized (Sync-APP is provided free of charge)
z.B.: 9958:04011000-1234512345-06
The PEPPOL ID of a company can be determined via the PEPPOL directory
Webware internet solutions GmbH has successfully entered the CEF Building Block eDelivery project UP-Access. The European Union has introduced the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program to establish a digital single market within Europe supporting different solutions to reach this goal.The UP-ACCESS project aims are to implement the AS4 protocol and upgrade the Service Metadata Publishers (SMP) of the 4 PEPPOL Access Points of the consortium, which are used by thousands of clients from different Member States.
The developed solution is in compliance with the Directive 2014/55/EU for cross-border digital messaging within the EU which is mandatory for all public institutions and aims to spread further into the private sector. With the solution in place, a standardization across Europe is enabled which removes unnecessary complexity for businesses and public entities including the reduction of cost and time, reduction of storage costs, reduction of printing and postage costs, etc.
For further information, please visit our main project website.
We are proud to announce that we are members of the EURINV project consortium, co-financed by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) through its CEF Telecom Calls. The consortium is composed of 12 participants from Spain, Ireland, Slovakia, Finland, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, France, and Germany.
With a duration of 18 months and launched in April 2019, the main objective of EURINV is to aid the participants to become conformant with the European Standard on Electronic Invoicing (Directive EU/2014/55) allowing cross-border transactions that will be aligned with the European Directive. In sum, the eInvoicing cloud platforms of the beneficiary EDI providers and/or their use case clients will be updated to support the compliant syntaxes UBL and CII.
With projects of this nature, the objective of reaching cross-border efficiency while sending and receiving electronic invoices in the European Union and EEA takes a step further. Furthermore, electronic invoicing is already mandatory in many EU-countries for both public and private entities and all local and regional authorities will also be obliged to comply.
To find out more about this project visit its official website.